Accreditation by the Accredited Universities of Sovereign Nations will provide governments, education authorities, students, professional associations and employers with reassurance that the institutions accredited deliver an ethical and high-quality education. The Accredited Universities of Sovereign Nations is a non-aligned and de-colonized Accreditation Agency that provides accreditation for colleges, universities and research institutes anywhere in the world, delivering both residential and on-line programs, and various combinations.
In accrediting education institutions such as universities, colleges, and training organizations, the Accredited Universities of Sovereign Nations considers the performance of the institutions in relation to a range of features, facilities and activities delivered. Standards for Accreditation are grouped into several Areas of Operation as described below.
Our focus is on academic excellence. Some standards such as health and safety, and visa requirements for students entering different countries, may be enforced through legal requirements which apply in each country. In our accreditation process we do not verify the implementation of immigration laws as it applies to students and employees, nor does it verify appropriate tax or financial policies, but general health and safety standards will be matters of the site inspection. The Accredited Universities of Sovereign Nations is independent and unbiased by not being tied to any one national vision of education or any ideology, except a right to excellent education.
Our accreditation will demonstrate that students entering education institutions in any sovereign nation or country receive a sound educational experience, delivered with the aid of appropriate human and physical resources in a safe, caring and hygienic environment. Accreditation means that successful students will be rewarded by the award of a genuine qualification, which will enhance the students` careers. We have expertise to provide accreditation to graduate and terminal degree programs, but also offer accreditation to undergraduate programs, because our primary focus is on institutional accreditation.
Site Visits: 1. Mapping and Consultation (Visit 1) and 2. Accreditation Inspection (Visit 2)
The accreditation process of Accredited Universities of Sovereign Nations normally requires two visits to the institution.
The first visit (Mapping and Consultation Visit) is considered less formal and intended to help prepare the institution for Visit 2. Visit 1 will usually involve a visit to the Institution by the Chair of the Accreditation Commission assisted by a commissioner with either local or programmatic expertise, to further assist the institution. Visit 1 focuses on mapping the institution, discussing the appropriate paperwork, and assisting the institution to prepare for the formal Visit 2. The commissioner(s) would also normally give a lecture to provide some contact with faculty and students of the institution.
Depending on the size of the Institution and the programmes Visit 2 (Accreditation Inspection) will normally include 2-3 commissioners. There is no mandatory time period between the two visits, but the range is normally between 3-6 months, unless there is significant work to be done to ensure that the institution should be able to pass the formal Visit 2. During the visit the commissioners will meet administrative and teaching staff, students, alumni, employers of alumni, and senior management of the institution.
In case the Institution is already accredited by another agency that is recognized by Accredited Universities of Sovereign Nations, an institution may request only a formal Accreditation Inspection without a Mapping and Consultation Visit. However, if the institution does not meet the criteria to pass the formal Accreditation Inspection it may be necessary to schedule a second Accreditation Inspection, which will be more expensive for the Institution (Refer to the list of Fees).
Accreditation Criteria and Scope of the Examination
Both visits allow verification of the documentation provided by the Institution. The scope of the examination includes, as appropriate: premises, health and safety, education facilities, dormitory facilities (including exchange facilities for student exchange and faculty exchange), courses and their delivery, student welfare, management, staff qualifications, the delivery of the academic programmes, data management procedures.
Visits to the institution will be undertaken following receipt of the required Forms, and supporting documentation, together with payment of the agreed fees. Following, or during, the Mapping and Consultation Visit the Institution will be requested to submit Resumes for all Faculty and Board members.
(A pdf version of this summary of the procedures is here)