Contact address: Shinohara nishi machi 25-7, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama 222-0025, Japan
American University of Sovereign Nations is proud to have signed an Academic Cooperation Agreement with All India Bioethics Association (AIBA). AIBA was founded in 1996 in cooperation with Eubios Ethics Institute and was the first national academic body uniting scholars from different disciplines to examine bioethics in India, the world’s largest democracy. This long standing cooperation led to many collaborative meetings and training workshops across India since 1996.
The founding AIBA president was the late Prof. Jayapaul Azariah who was the former Chair of the Faculty of Life Sciences at University of Madras, and also a AUSN Professor. In 2012 the second AIBA President was Prof. M. Selvanayagam, of Loyola College, Chennai. Prof. M. Selvanayagam is an AUSN Professor based in Chennai, India.
AIBA and AUSN will work with academics across the world who have similar goals and ideals, to promote quality scholarship and research to alleviate the ethical challenges of our world.
Copyright 2018 Accredited Universities of Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved.
Contact address: Shinohara nishi machi 25-7, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama 222-0025, Japan