Contact address: Shinohara nishi machi 25-7, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama 222-0025, Japan
The School of Sustainability Science and Knowledge Systems conducts research on integrating latest scientific knowledge and traditional wisdom and epistemology from cultures from all around the world consistent with the goals and strategic mission of AUSN. Our research combines the social sciences with relevant physical and life sciences and is aimed at the development of informed policy-making to address global concerns for building sustainable communities and societies. The Institute engages international expertise at local, regional, and global levels from multiple disciplines in the natural, social, and life sciences. This combined expertise is the cornerstone of our research programs, allowing us to focus on the development of informed policy-making to meet sustainable development challenges.
The mission includes research, networking, and education and capacity development, both in-house and in co-operation with an interactive network of academic institutions and international organizations. The current research agenda focuses on strategic paths to the development of sustainability science, sustainable development, biodiversity, social and environmental governance, urban ecosystems, science and technology policy options for developing, least developed and industrially advanced countries, and education for sustainable development.
AUSN offers a number of academic degrees through the School of Sustainability Science and Knowledge Systems, including the Ph.D., the Master of Science and Technology for Sustainability (MSTS), the Master of Science in Sustainability, Peace and Development (MSPD) and the Masters in Bioethics and Global Public Health (MBGPH) and some postgraduate certificate programs. All these academic degrees are currently offered through faculty of not only the School of Sustainability Science and Knowledge Systems but also with faculty of the School of Indigenous Peoples and Global Studies, the School of Medicine and the School of Health Sciences. AUSN provides a range of elective courses to fulfil the Mission of AUSN to assist each student on their path of discovery to be better able to achieve sustainability.
The School conducts research on many aspects of sustainability and development, and the associated ethical, social, policy and legal issues. Examples of research topics can be viewed in the list of dissertation titles from the Ph.D. and Master’s degree programs, and in the faculty and research fellow pages.
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Contact address: Shinohara nishi machi 25-7, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama 222-0025, Japan